Montag, 29. September 2014

First Blogpost for health class

Two of my goals for this year.

My first Goal is, to have two points more in every test by the end of the year.
These are my steps:
  • ·         Bench Press: 3 times per week (Tue, Thu, Sat (except games/tournament), starting with 15 kg, +5 kg after every month every time 3 times 5 repetitions
  • ·         Pull up: every second day except of Sunday(Mon, Wed, Fri,), as much as I can, two times, at the beginning of training and at the end
  • ·         Squats: 3 times week, rotating every week, varied form with dumbbells starting with 15 kg, +5 kg after every month, normal form twice a week (Tue, Fri), starting with 10 kg, +5 kg after every month
  • ·         Beep test: 2 times per week 5km-run (Mon, Thu), Saturdays 15 minutes on tretmill on 6,5 speed, slope:4
  • ·         10/10: Every Monday practicing, testing two times per month (1st and 15th)
  • ·         Nutrition plan:
o   Only whole-grain products
o   2 portions (ex: one handful/apple size) of fruits every day
o   2 portions (look above) of salad every day
o   Minimum 1 portion (large handful) of cooked vegetables
o   Not more than 350 grams of pasta daily
o   Not more than 200 grams of meat daily
o   Fried food, fast food etc. only once per week
o   Maximum 1 little portion (little bowl or 200 grams) of sweets/ desert per day
My second goal is, not to fail more than 2 tests in French in the whole school year. For this, I am doing the following:
  • ·         Use the studyhall, in first line to do the homework, but also to update the vocabulary list daily with the words + phrases I learned that day
  • ·         Learn 10 words from the list daily (5 from the top, 5 from the bottom, starting at the very beginning, going into the middle) by writing down
  • ·         Looking every second day at the worksheets and notes from class made during these two days
  • ·         Every weekend one page in the workbook, doing the exercises and control myself, refreshing all the vocabulary from the week
  • ·         Testing myself every week (Wednesday) on the vocabulary and phrases I refreshed and learned new that week.

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