Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Fifth Blogpost for Health Class

As a final comment for this project, I will review and give a feedback of my experiences with the goals and aims I set.
It was a very important but hard realization that the aims I first set for my athletic aims could not go together with my other daily schedule.
The new aims are more basic and simple and easier to keep. From my own experience, I can tell, that it is easier to remind yourself, if you have the same time each day and set an alarm on your phone.
I realized that after the break I had a hard time to rebuild some muscle groups, since I stayed active during the holidays. I recently could not go running outside because of the snow and ice, but instead I use the tretmills and bikes.
My second goal is developing well, too. My updated French grade is 98.9, even though I only got 17.75 points of 18 in the last quiz on Wednesday. I have lots of good French friends, who help me improving my pronunciation.

All in all, it can be said that setting these goals helped me a lot to figure out how to reach something and to improve. I will absolutely keep working towards these aims and stay with the steps.